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About McMaster Adult Celiac Disease Clinic

A patient-centred approach based on scientific research evidence

The McMaster University Celiac Disease Clinic for adults was opened in 2016 by Dr. Premysl Bercik (founding director) and is led by Dr. Ines Pinto-Sanchez since 2017. Today the clinic receives around 800-900 patients with celiac disease and gluten-related disorders per year. 

The clinic provides care with a multidisciplinary approach to better respond to the complex nature of the celiac disease, and our practice is based on scientific research evidence. We are very proud to be part of the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, a world-renowned research institute. The clinic works closely with the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) and is the only Canadian adult celiac clinic currently recognized and certified by the Society for the Studies of Celiac Disease (SSCD) due to the quality of care it provides. 

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Multidisciplinary Assessment

The clinical team involves staff gastroenterologists, dietitians, and access to a psychologist and a psychiatrist. We offer:

  • Medical consultations

  • Serological testing

  • Endoscopy

  • Nutritional assessment and counselling

  • Breath testing for small intestinal bacterial growth, lactose intolerance and fructose intolerance

  • Genetic testing. 

  • Indirect calorimetry

  • Imaging test 

Management of Patients

We follow our patients based on the current recommendations from clinical guidelines. After the initial consultation and confirmation of a diagnosis, patients are followed up regularly until their symptoms and disease activity are under control. Patients will have access to nutritional assessment and counselling with a specialized dietitian to enhance the understanding of how to properly follow a gluten-free diet. Once symptoms related to the disease are under control, patients will be regularly monitored annually to prevent or treat nutritional deficiencies, bone health and mental health, as needed.

Patient's Referral & Continuing of Care

Any patient with a confirmed or suspected celiac disease diagnosis from the greater Hamilton area and within Ontario can be referred to our clinic by their family physician. Whether the patient has been recently diagnosed or has an established diagnosis with ongoing symptoms, everyone is welcomed to our clinic for further follow-up. We will work in concert with primary care physicians and provide specific instructions for the continuation of care.

Celiac registry 

A registry of patients attending the clinic has been initiated to allow an appropriate follow-up and to improve the quality of care based on acquired data. 

High Quality Research

We conduct research under the umbrella of the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute at McMaster University, a world-renowned research centre for digestive diseases. The clinic is in a unique position to leverage the top research expertise of our institute and apply this knowledge to clinical practice. Our clinical research focuses on improving celiac disease diagnosis, management and testing novel therapies. Under the leadership of Prof. Elena Verdu, Associate Director of the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute, we have a unique opportunity for translational research to understand cofactors and how our gut microbiome can influence celiac disease.

Community Outreach

We are committed to actively contributing to educating patients and their families, advocating for patients and raising awareness about celiac disease. The clinic will become a hub for educational activities directed to both celiac patients and the medical communities. We work closely with the Canadian Celiac Association (CCA) to achieve these goals.

Interested in getting a referral, learning more about our educational initiatives or participating in clinical research? Follow the Action Buttons below.

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